Texas Berry Farms

Your Source for All your Birding Needs

Terms & Policies

Please Review ALL Terms & Policies.  

Ordering :  All orders are preorder as of 2/3/2023.

  You will be notified via email once your order is shipped.

Our cancellation policy and restocking fee is 25% of the total order.  

There is no local pickup: EVERYTHING IS SHIPPED


WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THE HATCH RATE OF THE EGGS YOU WILL RECEIVE! Your results will be anywhere from 0%-100%. You are buying EGGS not chicks. What we cannot control: Shipping conditions (i.e. rough handling, exposure to extreme temperatures, delays, x-ray machines). Conditions under which you incubate your eggs (including equipment failure and negligence). Abrupt and unpredicted changes in mating and egg laying. Knowing if a particular egg was actually fertilized at the time of lay.

What we can control: Offering eggs only for breeds/species that we ourselves have currently hatched successfully from. We are currently having a 80%+ hatch rate “here” does not mean you will get same result and should not expect it. Closely monitoring environmental conditions that would cause reduced fertility. We are currently at a 95-100% fertility “here”, just cause an egg doesn’t develop does not mean it was not fertile. Keeping an appropriate rooster to hen ratio based on activity level of individual breeds. We keep a lower ratio than most to get as efficient fertility as possible and to be able to track breeding groups more closely. Clearly marking egg boxes for the postal service to avoid possible rough handling, extreme temperatures and x-ray machines.

You are responsible for properly incubating your eggs. Eggs will ship as soon as we can fill the order. We ship Monday-Wednesday, (Thursday only for in TX) and Saturday the week that we have collected the freshest eggs possible, which is no more than 3 days old. You do not select your ship date for eggs. Hatching eggs are perishable. Therefore, we cannot hold eggs to ship at a later date. Multiple orders cannot be combined into one shipment and are NOT guaranteed to ship on the same day.

If the shipment arrived damaged, immediately file claim with your postmaster showing the contents damaged.